
How Many Watts Should the Lights in the Study Be Suitable? Which Lighting is More Suitable?

The study room at home is a place where we can read books, work and study quietly. For the sake of eye health, the lights in the study room need to be bright enough, but the bulbs should not be too bright, otherwise it will be more dazzling. We can choose the brightness by the wattage of the bulb, so how many watts is better for the lamp for study room?

Ⅰ. How much power is suitable for the lamp for study room?

Specifically, it can be determined according to the size of the study and the density of the light, otherwise it is easy to damage the eyes. Most of the indoor lights are hung from the ceiling, and the lighting required for the study and living room is 4 watts per square meter. If your study is 8 square meters, you can choose lamps with more than 32 watts.

The height of lighting in the study is also one of the factors to consider. The lamps on the desk and nightstand can use 15 to 60 watt bulbs, preferably no more than 60 watts. Too dark will hurt the eyes, too bright and glare is also harmful to the eyes.

Ⅱ. Is 36 watts enough for the lamp for study room?

This wattage is sufficient for most study lighting. If the study area is relatively small, the power of the study bulb can be appropriately selected to be smaller.

The living room has a large area, and the study needs to be bright, so 4 watts of living room reading floor lamps are needed per square meter, and 36 watts are suitable for a study with a size of about 9 square meters. 

Bathroom lighting is generally 2 watts per square meter, and 3 watts per square meter for restaurants and kitchens. Therefore, the study room is generally 40 watts, the living room is 60-80 watts, the bathroom is about 20 watts, and the kitchen is 30 watts.

Ⅲ. Is it better to use white light or warm light for the lamp for study room?

1. White light

Most people are more adaptable to white light. Many people are entangled in whether to use white light or warm light for desk lamps. The main reason is that the different choices are caused by the glare of the light, which is the color temperature. The level of color temperature also determines the ability of the desk lamp to protect the eyes. In fact, reading with white light is more eye-friendly. As long as the light level is suitable, it should not be too short or too high, and it should be within the acceptable range of human eyes. Yellow light does not necessarily protect eyes, and everyone should treat eye protection issues rationally.

2. Warm light

Warm light is also called yellow light. Generally, yellow light is an energy-saving lamp with low radiation and reduces electricity bills. Especially for people who use desk lamps for a long time, yellow light is more energy-saving than white light.

For most people, it depends on the space whether to use white light or warm light for lamps and lanterns. In the bedroom and living room, yellow light is preferred because it is more warm and emotional. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you use warm light or white light for the lamp for study room, as long as the light is stable and the color temperature is within the range, you can look comfortable.

Ⅳ. Precautions in the selection of lamps for study room

The lighting of the study room should be bright and soft, and incandescent bulbs are suitable. The working desk lamp of the desk should adapt to the nature of the work and the needs of learning. It is recommended to choose a direct-lit desk lamp with a reflector and a lower opening, that is, a work desk lamp or a desk lamp. The light source of a desk lamp is usually an incandescent lamp or a fluorescent lamp. A small spotlight can be installed in the bookcase. Not only does this lighting help distinguish titles, it also maintains temperature and keeps books from damp and rotting.

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